HomeMiniaturesMechwarrior: Dark AgeUnit Section


Solaris Mechs


Bannson's Raiders


Clan Jade Falcon


Clan Nova Cat


Clan Sea Fox


Clan Wolf




Dragon's Fury






House Davion


House Kurita


House Liao


House Steiner




Rasalhague Dominion


Republic of the Sphere


Spirit Cats


Steel Wolves






Wolf Hunters



Number Mech Points

Class 0 (Industrial Mechs)

L081 ForestryMech B 86

Class 1 (Industrial Mechs)

CA081 ForestryMech MOD-B 70
F064 AgroMech MkII MOD 78
E090 ConstructionMech MkII MOD 85
F120 Jorges Koffler (MiningMech MOD B) 97
FP137 Jon Roberson (SalvageMech MOD) 102

Class 1 (Light Mechs)

E100 Locust 110

Class 2 (Medium Mechs)

F075 Arbalest 119
FP104 Koshi 122
F121 James Odom (Arbalest) 124
FP090 Panther 125
E094 Crimson Hawk 127
L100 Uller 127
L106 Blade 138
D157 Collin Yukinov (Cougar) 139
E114 Rosin Douglas (Mongoose II) 157
F090 Lori Kyle (Black Hawk) 160

Class 3 (Heavy Mechs)

E137 Thos Cardella (Sun Cobra) 173
D158 Nikol Brahe (Zeus) 174
CA116 Maclovia Saavedra (Centurion) 182
CA108 Shockwave 193
CA109 Rifleman 206

Class 4 (Assault Mechs)

CA147 Geoff Morgan (Longbow) 243
FP120 Tina Matsu-Hrung (Tundra Wolf) 261
L122 Gus Edgington (Mad Cat II) 272
F096 Collin Tolek (Cygnus) 285
L149 Geo Keane (Jupiter) 288
FP156 Cacey Duncan (Templar) 293

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